The battery has emerged as the most prominent energy storage device to meet changing consumer needs in both the electric mobility and stationary...
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A Better Way to Perform Coupled HVAC & Battery Simulations
Jana Hyrkas on June 11, 2018
As an automotive designer, cabin comfort is the foundation of customer satisfaction and ultimately, product sales. The rising tide of battery-powered...
Continue ReadingPreventing Thermal Runaway Before it Even Starts
Cassandra Wagner on February 6, 2017
You’ve likely been reading a lot about failures in lithium-ion batteries in recent years: cell phones spontaneously combusting, major aircraft...
Continue ReadingNREL Model Licensed to ThermoAnalytics to Improve Accuracy of Battery Simulations
Cassandra Wagner on January 14, 2014
Battery Diagram The Energy Department’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has licensed its Equivalent Circuit Battery Model to software...
Continue ReadingBattery Up: Popularity of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Placing Greater Demand and Performance Expectations on Lithium-ion
Josh Pryor on December 30, 2013
Battery Diagram The growing interest in, and early adoption of, hybrid and electric vehicles has created a surging demand for lithium-ion batteries...
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