In a previous blog, “Get Comfy Quickly with ThermoAnalytics Human Thermal Comfort Software,” we discussed the time and cost savings associated...
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Katy Hickey
Account Manager
Katy graduated from Michigan Tech in 2013 and 2015 with degrees in Biomedical Engineering & German Language, and an MBA, respectively. She started her employment with TAI in 2014 as an intern and was excited to be hired on full time in 2015. Her responsibilities include building customer relationships, account management, and acting as a liason between the world's engineers and TAI's capabilities - i.e. Technical Sales Representative. Currently out of academia she is enjoying time for some budding hobbies like raising chickens and learning to ride her classic 1979 motorcycle.
Get Comfy Quickly with ThermoAnalytics Human Thermal Comfort Software
Katy Hickey on March 27, 2014
Vehicle Design Overview Human thermal comfort models have recently matured to accurately and consistently predict comfort responses in various...
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